Ladies Tuesday Night League
Join as a single or a group. Whatever your skill level, we have the perfect fit for your game, whether you’re looking for fun, or semi-serious competition.
Tuesday Ladies League Contacts
Email: FHTNLL@gmail.com
President: Cheryl White–white.cheryl@outlook.com
Vice President: Jill Anderson–janderso2@tcfbank.com
Tuesday Night Ladies League Info
League fees will be $85.00 per player. These fees will provide for weekly event payouts, end of the year awards, and special events. League fees must be paid with your registration. Each league member must also pay $40 for a USGA handicap to Fox Hollow. Handicap fees must be paid at the Golf Shop on or before our first night of golf!
Second Tuesdays
The second Tuesday of each month is going to be extra fun. We will start the evening with a Mini Clinic taught by a golf instructor and then have a shotgun start at 5:30 pm. We are going to play a game that will get your whole foursome working together to win. We will also have a special in the Club house for dinner. Be sure to stay and get to know everyone in the league.
Weekly Sign-ups
During the season, online tee time sign-ups will be allowed two weeks in advance. The Golf Shop requires a 24-hour cancellation notice for league tee times. You will be charged full green fees for any tee time cancelled in less than 24 hours! Only the golf course can cancel play due to bad weather. Please contact the Golf Shop to see if play has been called when the weather is questionable.
Players should check in at the Golf Shop each week before golfing. Weekly green fees should be paid to the Golf Shop. Any information regarding that evening’s event or upcoming events will be provided to you when you check in.
We will be playing the Front 9 and Back 9 courses on an alternating basis. Please be aware of your pace of play. Ready golf is very helpful to stay on pace!
Each week players will be able to participate in an event to win Golf Shop Credit. Credit balances are kept in the golf shop point-of-sale system and your winnings may be used to purchase golf shop merchandise. Weekly winners will be posted on the bulletin board and by email.
We will also have the weekly dollar events. If you choose to participate, give the Golf Shop $2.00 before play begins. Winners will be paid the following week.
The list of weekly and special events will be handed out at the Welcome Night dinner.
Note Change: Members will need to participate in at least 8 nights of golf to be eligible for the Club Championship. The average score of your best three rounds will determine the winners.